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What jobs are trending right now?

What jobs are trending right now?

Though the U.S. economy started the year strong, things began to look less optimistic for job seekers as the coronavirus crisis gained momentum. Job postings on ZipRecruiter’s online employment marketplace were on the rise until Feb. 17. Since then, we have seen a 14%...

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WCFA-COVID Emergency Relief Fund

WCFA-COVID Emergency Relief Fund

The We Care for America Foundation (WCFA), the nonprofit aid division of EANGUS, is proud to announce that a substantial grant has been received from USAA to provide assistance to National Guard Soldiers and Airmen for COVID-19 related emergency needs. The WCFA-COVID...

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Testifying Before Congress… Part 2!

Testifying Before Congress… Part 2!

Back in October we were invited to testify about issues facing the men and women of the National Guard. We are proud to announce that we've been invited to testify again on March 10 to give our testimony on legislation that is being worked on as a direct result of our...

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TRANSFORMED by EANGUS Fitness Challenge

TRANSFORMED by EANGUS Fitness Challenge

JOIN US! No matter where you are on your fitness journey, this challenge is for you. Challenge Dates: 20 January - 13 April (12 weeks) Registration is open now! Improve yourself and achieve your goals with the help of your EANGUS Community Complete tasks to earn...

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EANGUS 2020 Membership Challenge

EANGUS 2020 Membership Challenge

EANGUS 2020 Membership Challenge   Our "Vision for 2020" is to increase your State Association and EANGUS membership and we are here to challenge and motivate you!  The EANGUS 20% Challenge has already kicked off and will continue through 31 July 2020. The...

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Nunc nisl leo, porta a dictum sed, pulvinar vitae diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum egestas, quam sit amet tincidunt tempor, lacus tortor pharetra elit, non dapibus lectus augue a enim. Curabitur bibendum enim et odio porttitor, quis consectetur arcu bibendum.