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Meeting the Presidential Campaigns

Meeting the Presidential Campaigns

On Thursday, October 13th, EANGUS Executive Director Frank Yoakum and Legislative Director Scott Bousum, together with members of The Military Coalition, attended a meeting with Clinton for America and Donald Trump campaign officials and advisors in Alexandria,...

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Dylan Raymond - Military Recruitment Lead is in search for 3 student veteran candidates interested in the Houston, TX area, with logistics experience obtaining their Bachelors degree fall 2016/spring 2017 or within the past 3 years to fill 3 fulltime roles. Please...

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2017 EANGUS Legislative Workshop Registration

2017 EANGUS Legislative Workshop Registration

at Capitol Skyline Hotel 10 I Street SW Washington, DC 20024 Agenda: Sunday, 5 Feb – Travel day/Super Bowl Party Ice Breaker Monday, 6 Feb – Legislative Workshop/Evening Social Tuesday, 7 Feb – Legislative Workshop/Congressional Legislative Reception Wednesday, 8 Feb...

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Drill Weekend Talking Points: October 2016

Drill Weekend Talking Points: October 2016

EANGUS Drill Weekend Talking Points: October 2016 Continuing Resolution In typical fashion, members punted until the final hours and created some unnecessary drama. However, the Continuing Resolution (CR) passed the House and Senate and the Federal Government will be...

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2017 EANGUS Legislative Workshop Registration

Continuing Resolution – SEP2016

CONTINUING RESOLUTION Since returning from August Recess, there were several issues delaying a final agreement: Funding Planned Parenthood clinics in Puerto Rico as part the fight against Zika Temporarily exempting pesticide spraying needed to control mosquitoes from...

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EANGUS 2016 Conference Update

EANGUS 2016 Conference Update

GET THE EANGUS APP.  This will provide you with the latest information as things change.   The EANGUS Conference is not being cancelled, and due to an outpouring of support from the State Associations, National Guard volunteers are coming to Louisiana to roll up...

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The EANGUS App has arrived

The EANGUS App has arrived

At long last, the EANGUS App has arrived.  It is ready to support our attendees at the 45th Annual Conference and our membership all year long.  If you see something that you would like to have added to the App, let us know!  Currently on the App: Past Presidents of...

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New Patriot DIGITAL EDITION The Summer 2016 Edition is available online. FEATURES: Guard Recruiting Assistance Program (G-RAP) Mr. Doug O'Connell & Executive Director Frank Yoakum TRICARE Reforms Mr. Jim Schweitzer, US Family Health Plan Alliance Conference...

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