We receive a lot of questions as to whether it is proper to talk about professional associations during drill or in meetings. We asked NGB for a little help, and this is what they provided:“As a general rule, membership in these organizations in a personal capacity is...
Jeffrey Frisby
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2024 EANGUS Call to Conference
The 53rd Annual Conference of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) convenes at the Huntington Place Convention Center, 1 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI from Sunday, 18 August 2024 through Wednesday, 21 August 2024. All conference...
Tricare for Technicians: The Servicemember Healthcare Freedom Act
As most Military Technicians and other Federal employees are keenly aware, Federal law does not allow them to enroll, participate in, or consider TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) as an option for health care for them or their families. Even with the most recent change...
Tricare for Technicians: The Servicemember Healthcare Freedom Act
As most Military Technicians and other Federal employees are keenly aware, Federal law does not allow them to enroll, participate in, or consider TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) as an option for health care for them or their families. Even with the most recent change...
Tricare for Technicians: The Servicemember Healthcare Freedom Act
As most Military Technicians and other Federal employees are keenly aware, Federal law does not allow them to enroll, participate in, or consider TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) as an option for health care for them or their families. Even with the most recent change...
Tricare for Technicians: The Servicemember Healthcare Freedom Act
As most Military Technicians and other Federal employees are keenly aware, Federal law does not allow them to enroll, participate in, or consider TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) as an option for health care for them or their families. Even with the most recent change...
Tricare for Technicians: The Servicemember Healthcare Freedom Act
As most Military Technicians and other Federal employees are keenly aware, Federal law does not allow them to enroll, participate in, or consider TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) as an option for health care for them or their families. Even with the most recent change...
AUSA Membership
Did you know? As a member of EANGUS, you are automatically a member of AUSA, the Association of the U.S. Army. In essence, when you become an EANGUS member, you become a member of your State Association, the national EANGUS Association, and you are a member of AUSA...
MSO or VSO, what is EANGUS?
What is the difference between a Military Service Organization (MSO) and a Veterans Service Organization (VSO), and what is EANGUS? Although the terms seem to be synonymous, there are important differences between the two. A Veterans Service Organization (VSO) is an...
Air National Guard Federal Tuition Assistance
If you are in the Air Guard, not in AGR status, and want to attend college, you'd better hope your State has a robust tuition assistance program, because there is no money for federal tuition assistance like the Army Guard has. This issue has been on the to-do list...
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