1SG Tommy L Morgan Jr. joined the 114th Military Police Company in January 1996 and completed training at FT McClellan, AL as a Military Police Officer. In 2002 transferred to the 113th MP Company and deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2003, various hurricane responses and in 2007 deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In April 2011 was promoted to Sergeant First Class at the 114th Military Police Company as the Readiness NCO until October 2014 when he was transferred back to the 113th Military Police Company as the Readiness NCO until January 2016 when lateraled to JFH as the Assistant Quota Source Manager, AT/ODT Manager, and OPS NCO.
I would like to thank everyone for allowing me the opportunity to be your President and I would like to tell you some of my goals for the association and address some topics.
- College Tuition for Mississippi Army and Air National guardsmen. Right now the Army Guard has their GI Bill or $4500 in FTA or State Education Assistance Program (SEAP) if they are under one year of service after graduation from their MOS School. Air Guard has their GI Bill or SEAP, which they also can only use one or the other.
What I recommend is that the NCO association to work with the MS Legislature to either increase the SEAP for the Army and Air Guard men and women to cover tuition expenses or create a bond that will cover all higher education expenses up to the highest tuition rate for MS schools.
- Grey area retirement for traditional National Guard men and women is very expensive. A National Guard person pay Tricare Reserve Select pays $46 per month for single coverage and $222 for a family plan. Once that Guard person retires it goes to $431 per month for a single person and $1038 for family plan per month.
What I recommend is that we push our Federal Legislators to work a bill to only increase the cost of retiree Tricare Reserve Select healthcare coverage to no more than 20% for single or family member. By allowing these Soldiers and Airmen to keep their Tricare insurance, this will eventually help with the rising cost of medical expenses in their later years.